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The keys to strengthening mindfulness:

  What is mindfulness?  Being mindful involves being aware of our thoughts, feelings, physical events, and environment at all times. Living in the present rather than dwelling on the past or making predictions is what it means to live mindfully. Practicing mindfulness can help you recognize and control challenging emotions while avoiding self-criticism and judgment. The keys to strengthening mindfulness: Following things can help you strengthen your mindfulness practice and live a healthy life. Avoid Distractions: We can begin the process of developing our attention by beginning a daily meditation practice. This will help us start training the mind to concentrate on our decisions rather than always pulling us around. If we want to live meaningful lives, we must be present. We must be able to bring our attention to the present moment to prevent being constantly distracted by thoughts, worries, desires, or being stuck in the past or the future. One of the best strategies to improve focus

How do you find a purpose in life?

  Well, many people have these questions how can they find purpose and passion in life? How do they pursue a career? To answer these queries you need to learn the art of taking action. Firstly, you need to be sure of your passion or hobbies. Secondly, You need to make yourself clear about what you want to do or what you are most passionate about in your life. Many people have a dream, yet they lack motivation and a perfect plan to turn that dream into reality. You don't know what a particular field or the process is like until you start taking action. By doing nothing and waiting for the arrival of a perfect chance, you are wasting your time. If you start working today, you will find an insane amount of opportunities that will help you get motivated and help you find your passion in life. By acting on you will build momentum in life.  A lot of folks seek perfection in every field of their life. But you must learn this thing that everything in life can't be perfect. You need to

7 Great Tips For self Motivation

Self-motivation occurs when a person has the desire and willingness to do something and is internally motivated to do it.  Unfortunately, sometimes it is very difficult to get ourselves moving and do what we want to achieve. So here are the tips to motivate yourselves to accomplish, or even start working on, your goals; Decide what you want: When you don't have a goal or target, it's challenging to stay motivated. Set a goal and decide how you are going to go about it. Do you want to compete in a marathon, reduce 20 kg, or earn enough money to pay for college? The first step in inspiring oneself to get started is to know what you want to achieve. Divide your goals into manageable steps: If you are not in the habit of setting goals or assessing want you want, the act of doing so can seem daunting and overwhelming at first. By breaking your goal down into smaller sections or more manageable steps you can lessen the immediate impact. You don't want to get scared and give up be

How To Stop Caring About What People Think

                                                                                 Well, caring about what others will think is as common as the fear of public speaking, the fear of telling other people what is on your mind, and the fear of getting your ideas rejected. But caring too much about what other people will think is a bit problematic as it can lead you to an unhappy and exhausting life. Well, It’s human nature to want people to think of us in good manners. But caring too much about others and doing things according to others' opinions is a bit too much. So do you want to know are you guilty of caring too much about what people think? Then answer these simple questions. Ever thought about what they will think before wearing a dress or doing a make-over? Canceled a plan or gave up on something just because of the fear of what people might think. Ever let someone make decisions for you. If you were doing the above mention things, then it is time for you to be more confident an

6 ways to become a better public speaker

Many of you might have a fear of public speaking that holds you back from reaching the next level while Meeting with a group or giving a presentation in front of an audience. But you can easily overcome your nerves and do incredibly well by following these tips. Pay Attention to Body Language: Body language is an essential step while giving a presentation, speech, or interacting with a group of people. It enhances your skills and makes you look more professional and confident. Imagine yourself giving a presentation while standing straight like a robot and just saying random things. It sounds like that person has boned up the lecture and has zero knowledge of the topic. practice while facing yourself in the mirror: This method will help you a lot because you will be able to see the errors and mistakes in your communication style. You will also be able to see your body language and your level of confidence. Facing yourself in the mirror will help you judge yourself and become a strong sp