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what is a growth mindset and how it can change your life?

  A growth mindset is a conviction that one may acquire new abilities and skills through effort and practice. The truth is that cultivating a growth mindset depends on our willingness and belief in our capacity for change. Through our actions, we can unleash learning and realize our full potential. In this article, I will help you learn what is a growth mindset and how it can change your life. Fixed mindset vs Growth mindset: Usually, there are two types of mindsets a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. Fixed Mindset Definition: People with a fixed mindset believe that one’s capabilities, qualities, and traits are permanent and cannot develop over time. People with a fixed attitude think that success comes from just having the skill and not putting in any extra work.   They are therefore conservative, resistant to adopting changes and improvements, and tend to avoid failing at all costs. People with a fixed mindset would find opportunities to validate their natural knowledge and prove